Welcome Message

We are sorry but it is no longer possible to register as we are fully booked.

Flow chemistry is a rapidly evolving area that draws on knowledge and integration of many interconnected disciplines, including chemistry, engineering, mathematics, biology and computational sciences. Recent advances have also clearly shown the additional benefits that could derive from the combination of flow technology with enabling technologies such as automation, robotics, PAT and aspects of software design & control.

The aim of the Italian Flow Chemistry Symposium is to build a community of the continuously growing number of Italian scientists working in the flow chemistry field by providing a dedicated event for researchers from both academia and industry. Our vision for this 2-day symposium is to bring leading experts in continuous flow technology, highlight the most interesting research and discuss future challenges in the area of organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry, biotechnology, process engineering and, to a broader extent, in drug discovery.
The symposium venue will be Palazzo Greppi, in the heart of Milan, world-renowned as one of the capitals of innovation, science and art-based events, finance and business, opera, design and fashion.

The number of participants is limited to 85, including invited speakers, and the program is specifically designed to allow enough time for discussions and a stimulating exchange of thoughts and ideas.
The topics that will be discussed cover fields such as:

  • in flow chemical synthesis, including emerging techniques such as electrochemistry, photochemistry, and bio-catalysis;

  • the development of multi-step synthesis and potential applications in API production;

  • the realization of automated systems for medicinal chemistry and process optimization;

  • the impact of machine-learning, self-optimizing systems and novel analytical techniques in flow.

The program will include Plenary and Keynote Lectures, as well as Oral Communications and Poster presentations. Participation of young researchers, both from Industry and University, will be strongly encouraged and facilitated by low registration fee and fair lodging possibility.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Milan!

IFCS2023 Chairs

Prof. Antimo Gioiello
Prof. Renzo Luisi
Prof.ssa Lucia Tamborini

Additional information